Our Labs2021-04-30T13:50:46-05:00

About Our Labs

Our Labs combine academics with team-based activities. Our teacher intervention and instruction is based on specific learning objectives. We align our instruction to match school learning techniques and objectives, and we reinforce these in our extended-day environment. Our structured activities challenge students to work in groups and cooperate on a common objective. We understand the direct link between positive social experiences and academic success.

  • Homework Lab – Time devoted to supporting students in completing that day’s assignments. Leading Edge teachers guide students, according to grade and skill level, toward understanding and successful completion of homework assignments. We utilize a 3 step review process:
    1. Assist: Teachers provide “hurdle help” to briefly review material the student is struggling with so they can continue their work autonomously afterwards.
    2. Audit: Teachers audit homework for completion and correctness prior to putting it away for the day.
    3. Communicate: If additional review is needed by the school day teacher or family, Leading Edge teachers will notify the family at pick-up.
  • Reading Lab – Group reading of age-appropriate books led by a teacher using Core Knowledge Language Arts curriculum. Research has proven that students in schools using CKLA out-performed their peers on reading, science and social studies measures. Our program includes:
    • Daily 20 minutes of reading aloud by teachers
    • Inferential and differential questions and vocabulary review throughout
    • Student reflection and discussion
  • Art Enrichment Lab – Hands-on activities that utilize a variety of mediums to challenge students to create. Students are given guidelines but also the freedom to interpret the activity in unique ways. We work with parents and schools to deliver the right blend of fun and engaging enrichment classes.
  • STEM Lab – Hands-on projects that focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math skills. Students will navigate the design process in unique engineering challenges, participate in math-based games, learn how science impacts their daily lives and much more.
  • Physical Lab – A wide variety of physical challenges and games that will get students moving using Leading Edge’s research-based physical fitness model, SPARK.
  • Challenge Lab – Fun and intellectually stimulating games that will activate students’ brainpower and competitive instincts. Students choose which activities they wish to participate in.

All of our programs are customized to meet your school’s unique needs.

We invite you to view our sample curriculum and schedule and contact us at any time for more information.

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