Our mission is to help children achieve in school and have the opportunities in life they deserve
Leading Edge is a top provider of before and after school programs for children at elementary and middle schools across the country. We are passionate about using this time to positively impact their academic performance and social development.
Our organization was founded in 2006 by Kevin Flynn, a prominent Boston-area entrepreneur who is committed to building educational organizations that make a difference in the lives of children and their families. While raising his own children, he saw firsthand the challenges children face in today’s rapidly changing world and the constraints our public schools are under in coping with them. There are only so many hours in the school day to cover extensive ground and standardized tests merely capture a snapshot of a student’s performance well after the material has been taught. For the students who don’t understand subjects fully and start to fall behind, things can get worse as they continue on in their academic journey. By the time they hit high school, they may struggle to get C’s, become frustrated and have future opportunities closed off to them.
Kevin was inspired to break this cycle and prevent this from happening. He brought in experts in education to develop methods, processes and curriculum to address this issue. And he partnered directly with schools to get everyone on the same page, working toward the same goal: to make sure students fully understand what they are being taught in school. The extra hours of high quality programming after school make all the difference. Our students experience improved academic scores and greater self-esteem.