Lift Off to Literacy
Leading Edge Astronauts, We Have Lift Off!
Our Lift Off to Literacy initiative is a special time for our students to engage in daily activities that boost their love for reading, writing and self-expression. Our goal is to make literacy fun and to demonstrate to students the many ways reading and writing show up in their daily lives. This year, we are so proud of what our students achieved:
Join in the Fun at Home
Space is our over-arching theme, but when it comes to reading and writing, the sky is the limit on what students can learn and do. Here are some fun ways you can keep your children climbing at home:
1. Try our 7-Day Literacy Challenge, with ideas for every day of the week.
2. Print out our 25 Book Challenge, so your child can see and chart their progress at home.
3. Check out these fun ways to get them reading, listening and learning.
Kevin Costner and Jillian Estell read Catching the Moon, a story of a girl who dreamed of playing baseball and had the determination to overcome everything that stood in her way.
Learn all about Jupiter, the biggest planet in the solar system, on NASA’s Spaceplace. With fun facts and great photos, you’ll be amazed by this gas giant and the swirling storms and colorful bands of color.
Did you know the sunset on Mars appears blue? Read about these fun facts about the solar system from National Geographic Kids and then draw a picture to illustrate one of them.
NASA astronaut Frank Rubio reads “A Ticket To Space” from the International Space Station as he floats around. How cool is that?
Learn about all the great states in the US on National Geographic Kids’ website. From “Fast Facts” to “Fun Stuff,” you can dive right in.
Come across a new word? Here’s a great way to write it down, research what it means, and how to use it. Just watch your vocabulary grow!
Congratulations, Astronauts!
We’re so proud of all of our students’ enthusiasm and efforts.