Pencils for drawing

Kids Zone:
Endangered Animals

We have 5 fun labs for you. Keep scrolling down the page to see them all.

Reading Lab

Did you know that over 1,000 birds are on the endangered species list?  Birds live all over the world and in many different habitats such as the rain forest, the jungle, grasslands and by the ocean. They even live where we do. To celebrate birds this week, Ms. JoAnn takes us into the wonderful world of bird watching in this fun book.

Physical Lab

In honor of this week’s theme, we are sharing animal-themed yoga from YouTube Kids. Here, you can learn how to do a turtle pose, a crab pose and much more.

Enrichment Lab

Follow along with Mrs. Huma and you’ll learn how to draw an amazing elephant.

Want to learn more about elephants?

Check out National Geographic Kids’ African Elephant page where you will discover all sorts of fun facts!

Challenge Lab

Create a No-Bake Treat: An Adorable Owl!

In just minutes, you can create a delicious, healthy treat that looks like an owl with Miss Kaylee. Please note: we use peanut butter but if you are allergic, you can substitute another type of butter or spread that is sticky.


10 Fun Facts about Sea Turtles

Learn about sea turtles, who are endangered animals, in Ms. Dannia’s special presentation. After you read through her presentation by clicking here, you can make your own sea turtle with help from Ms. Kyomi.

Extra Credit 🙂

Take Flight

Mrs. Angelica shows you how to make a bird out of paper that can fly.

What you’ll need:
Construction paper

1. Cut a piece of construction paper into a diamond, or even square using a play scissor (fold right or left upper corner to the opposite side and press down to fold).
2. Cut flap (place aside, do not discard).
3. Open your square or diamond and face the folded line horizontally to begin folding the bottom corner towards the line fold (repeat folding up to 4 times.)
4. Take right and left corners and create a sphere and tape/glue both ends together.
5. Remember the flap you cut off? Get it and tape on top of your sphere over the same pasted area.
6. Take flight and have fun!

Watch how to make one:

Additional Themes