Discover How Leading Edge Helps Strengthen Family Connections and Maximize Time at Home
As we gear up for another exciting academic year at Leading Edge Before and After School, we are thrilled to share how we support strong connections with families. We look forward to welcoming both familiar and new faces to our Leading Edge family. Together, we will create an inspiring and nurturing environment where every child will thrive.
Improve Nighttime Routines with Our Homework Lab
One of our core beliefs is that family time is invaluable, and we strive to create an environment that maximizes these precious moments. Our programs are designed not only to provide exceptional care for your children but also to support and enhance the quality time you spend together as a family. We prioritize providing students with dedicated homework time and support. By completing their assignments at Leading Edge before going home, students have more quality time to spend with their families and unwind comfortably.
Stay Connected to Your Children with Our Class-Dojo App and Social Media
To ensure a seamless school-to-home connection, we have integrated the Class Dojo app into our communication system. This powerful tool enables teachers, parents, and students to stay connected throughout the day. You’ll receive timely updates on your child’s progress, upcoming events, and important announcements. It also provides a platform for direct communication with our teachers.
Furthermore, we understand the importance of staying connected in today’s digital age. That’s why we actively maintain our social media channels, providing you with weekly updates and insights into the enriching experiences our students are enjoying at Leading Edge Before and After School. By following us on social media, you’ll feel a part of the excitement and celebrate your child’s achievements together with our supportive community.
Be a Valued Part of the Leading Edge Community
We invite parents to join us at our Welcome Event and other special events throughout the year. In addition, parents are welcome to come in to read a book to the students, which they always enjoy. We also build a strong community by celebrating one another. To do so, we send home surveys about family traditions that students/families can bring into the program and invite families to share special celebrations and milestones.
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Now is the perfect time to secure your child’s spot at Leading Edge Before and After School for the upcoming academic year. Enrolling is easy, and we are here to assist you every step of the way. Should you have any questions or need further information, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated Family Services team at 1-800-341-5791. We are more than happy to help you with any inquiries you may have.
Contact Us
Our Family Services Team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to email us directly at: