Join Us in a 7-Day Literacy Challenge
This challenge is part of our Lift Off to Literacy initiative. Our goal is to make literacy fun and to show students the many ways reading and writing show up in their daily lives.
Space is our overarching theme, but when it comes to reading and writing, the sky is the limit on what students can learn and do. Here is a 7-Day challenge you can do with your children at home.
- Start by printing out our 7-day challenge tracking sheet. Your children can decorate it and track their daily progress.
- Have them read an extra 15 minutes a day OR do the literacy activities suggested below to fuel their rocket.
Day 1
Look up 5 new words in the dictionary. Write them down or use our Vocabulary Catcher template. See if you and your children can use these new words throughout the week.
Day 2
Read a book about space! If you don’t have one handy, you can check out NASA’s Space Place with your children and read about our solar system, the universe and more.
Day 3
Read an article in a magazine. Ask your children if they have learned anything new from it.
Day 4
Create a main character for a book. You can use our Create a Character worksheet to get started.
Day 5
Read a non-fiction book. Let your children’s interests be their guide –people, places, occupations, inventions…the possibilities are endless.
Day 6
Have your children interview you about your favorite book. Check out our interview form with questions you can ask.
Day 7
Write a poem about spring. Here’s a template to write an acrostic poem (where the first letter in each line spell out the word ‘Spring’).
When you reach your 7 days, celebrate your children’s success! Here’s a Certificate of Achievement you can print out.